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You have requested that we transfer $10.50 AUD from PayPal to your bank account, and we're processing it now. |
ペイパルからあなたの銀行口座へ10.5豪ドル送金のリクエストをいただきましたので、現在処理中です。 |
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They were briefed about the camp program and have now settled into day 1 activities. |
彼らはキャンププログラムについて説明を受け、今は1日目のアクティビティに入っています。 |
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I have brought forward the departure time to 7.00am from Gate 1. |
ゲート1出発時間を朝7時に早めました |
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Congratulations, the coaches have selected you as a Squad Athlete for the U15 boys Team. |
おめでとうございます。コーチ陣は15歳以下男子チームの選手にあなたを選びました。 |
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Students have continued to be motivated, and have engaged themselves in all areas of learning. |
生徒達は意欲を持ち続け、学習の全分野に本気で取り組んでいます。 |
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Welcome to a new school year. I am delighted to have Taro in my class and I am looking forward to an exciting and successful year. |
新年度にようこそ。私は太郎を受け持つことを嬉しく思います。刺激的で成果のある年を楽しみにしています。 |
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Thank you to those who have already returned their child’s camp permission forms. Could I please ask that forms are returned ASAP? |
お子さんのキャンプ許可書をすでに提出してくださいました方、ありがとうございます。書類をまだ出していない方はできるだけ早くお願いできますか? |
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Please tell your neighbors about this road work if you think they may have trouble reading or understanding this notice. |
ご近所さんがこの通知を読んだり理解したりするのが難しそうな時は、この道路工事のことをご近所さんに伝えてください。 |
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A number of countries around the world have implemented either nationwide or localised school closures. |
世界中の多くの国が全国的または地域的に学校を閉鎖しています。 |
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It is important to examine the impact things have on health. |
飲食物が健康に及ぼす影響を調べることは大切です。 |
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Don't forget what I have told you. |
私があなたに話したことを忘れるな。 |
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The drifts of snow mean that we will all have to help with the shoveling. |
その吹き積もった雪は私達全員が雪かきを手伝う必要があることを示しています。 |
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If you want to be a millionaire, you have to make hay while the sun shines. |
もし億万長者になりたいならチャンスをものにしなければならない。 |
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Once you have been to New york ,you will understand why I like it so much. |
一旦ニューヨークに行ったら、わたしがなぜ好きなのか理解するだろう。 |
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Once we have received all of the required information to process your claim, it will be processed and paid into your nominated bank account within 2 weeks. |
保険金請求の処理に必要なすべての情報を私どもが受け取り次第、処理が進められ、ご指定の銀行口座に2週間以内に入金されます。 |
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Without my parents' financial help, I could not have graduated Trani college. |
両親の資金援助がなかったら、私は大学を卒業できなかったでしょう。 |
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I couldn't have done it without you. |
私はあなたがいなければできなかったよ。 |
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I have to call what's-his-name tonight. |
あの何とかという男に今晩電話しなくちゃいけない。 |
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I should have done this first and foremost. |
私は何よりもまずこれをすべきでした。 |
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Their shape have changed over time. |
それらの形は、時間とともに変わりました。 |
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Sales have picked up 20 percent this year.
今年の売り上げは20パーセント増加している。 |
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Oops, I shouldn't have met her. |
は~、彼女に会うべきじゃなかった。 |
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Only I can have sugar twice a week. |
私だけが週に2回糖質を摂取できる。 |
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We have to do this and that. |
私達はあれこれやらなくちゃいけない。 |
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Why Do I Have a Negative Balance on my Credit Card? |
クレジットカードの残高がマイナスになるのはなぜですか? |
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If you have received this message in error, please contact us and destroy the original message. |
何かの間違えでこのメッセージが届いた場合は、当社へのご連絡とメッセージの廃棄をお願いします。 |
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You have a good eye. |
見る目がありますね。 |
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You don't have to learn these principles by heart, but I hope you understand them. |
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Alligators have a wide, rounded, u-shaped snout, while crocodiles have long, pointed, v-shaped snouts. |
ワニ(アリゲーター)は幅広で丸いU字型の鼻を持ち、一方クロコダイルは長くてとがったV字型の鼻を持っています。 |
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Chipmunks have bushy tails, striped backs, and chubby cheeks. |
シマリスはふさふさした尾、縞模様の背中、ぽっちゃりした頬を持っています。 |
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He didn't know he would have to make a speech, so he just had to wing it.
彼はスピーチをするとは知らなかったので、その場で思いつくままスピーチしました。 |
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People who have no filter don’t know how to keep their thoughts or feelings in. |
思ったことをズバズバ言う人は自分の考えや感情の抑え方を知りません。 |
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Some languages have no compound words at all. |
複合語を全く持たない言語もある。 |
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I have known the teacher for a long time. |
私はその先生をずっと前から知っています。 |
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From ancient times, people have used the cycle of the sun and moon as a key to deciding the season and dates. |
古くから、人々は太陽と月の周期を季節や月日を決める手がかりとしてきました。 |
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I apologize for this mistake and any confusion or distress this may have caused you. |
この間違いにより、混乱やご面倒をおかけしてしまいましたことをお詫び申し上げます。 |
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The decision to have an abortion is deeply personal and can be influenced by a variety of factors. |
中絶をするという決定は個人的なものであり、さまざまな要因によって影響を受ける可能性があります。 |
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She decided to have an abortion after carefully considering her options.
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Many countries have laws regulating when and under what circumstances abortion is permitted. |
多くの国では、妊娠中絶がいつ、どのような状況で許可されるかを規定する法律があります。 |
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If your child is sick, please seek appropriate medical care and keep them at home until they have recovered. |
お子さんが具合が悪い時は、適切な医療を見つけ、回復するまで家で過ごさせてください。 |
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We only have 1 minutes until the next train. |
次の電車まであと1分しかありません。 |
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I have a job interview tomorrow, knock on wood! |
明日は面接があります。幸運を祈ってね! |
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Many wars have been fought for the land. |
多くの戦争が領土のために戦われてきた。 |
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Do you have a room tonight ? |
今夜宿泊できますか? |
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I have to be gentle when holding the baby.
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We have breakfast in the morning.
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Astronauts have walked on the surface of the moon.
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Humans have five senses: sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell.
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Humans have the ability to adapt to various environments.
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Humans have the ability to adapt to various environments.
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Humans have a complex social structure with diverse cultures and languages.
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Humans have a strong sense of empathy and compassion towards others. |
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Humans have built cities and infrastructure.
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I have been a teacher for thirty years. |
私は30年間先生です |
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A: I only earn minimum wage, but I can't stop buying designer clothes. B: You have champagne taste on a beer budget. |
A: 最低賃金しかもらっていないのにブランド物の服を買うのをやめられません。B: それは身の程知らずですよ。 |
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I love looking at luxury cars even though I can only afford a used one. I guess I have champagne taste on a beer budget. |
私は中古車しか買えないのに高級車を見るのが好きです。私は高望みしていますよね。 |
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I have a stuffy nose. |
鼻がつまってる。 |
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We often have dinner together in the evening.
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I like to have a cup of tea before bed in the evening. |
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I have a dentist appointment next month.
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I have a dentist appointment next month.
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Do you have any plans for the weekend ? |
今週末の予定ある? |
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Do you have any plans for the weekend?
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I have a lot of homework to do over the weekend.
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Have a safe trip! |
良い旅を! |
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Lions have sharp claws and powerful jaws.
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Tigers have sharp claws and teeth for catching and tearing prey.
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Rabbits have long ears and soft fur.
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People have been domesticating animals like cows and chickens for thousands of years.
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Some insects, like butterflies, have colorful wings.
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Have you seen the movie ? |
あなたはその映画を見た事がありますか? |
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Have you seen the latest movie from that director?
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I have a short memory. |
僕は記憶力が悪い。 |
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If it had not been for my parents' financial help, I could not have graduated from college. |
両親の資金援助がなかったら、私は大学を卒業できなかったでしょう。 |
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They have a tolerant approach to parenting.
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They have a tolerant policy towards dress code.
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If you have a problem, don't just complain; do something about it.
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I have a picture of my wife on my desk at work.
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I have an uncle who lives in New York. |
私にはニューヨークに住んでいるおじがいます。 |
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Sister, can I have some of your popcorn?